Sunday, February 8, 2015

i'm having second thoughts on that guitar concerto....

as i was mixing it, isolated pockets jumped out at me as good places for acrobatic licks. i thought to myself, "i should go to town with this.". but, i'm not hearing a good way to tie it together.

i want to avoid overdubbing a "boxy" solo. there's certainly enough going on in the track already. so, i want this to be free and expressive, rather than based on repetition. the track is already based heavily on repetition...

the way i write for lead guitar nowadays mostly involves listening. i'll put the piece on repeat for hours, allowing thoughts to coalesce in my mind. then, i'll go about the process of converting what i'm thinking into a playable part.

i spent most of yesterday listening, and my brain is just throwing boxy patterns and sort of cliched lines at me. it was those cliched lines that jumped out at me, and that i think could be used to good effect. but, they need some flow to make it worthwhile, and i'm convincing myself that the piece doesn't really have the space for it. it's less that it's a mechanical techno song and more that it's just already full of notes and colours on those notes.

i'm going to listen some more this morning, and will make a decision around when the sun comes up. i need to clean this morning, i'm past due. if it doesn't come to me clearly, i may turn to trying to write it out as somewhat of an aid.

but, i don't see the use in just piling on flashy riffs. if i don't get some more lyrical phrasing (or at least a semblance of it) in the next few hours, i'm going to put it aside. i may revisit it, though, before the single is closed. it's an idea that i want to work. i'm just not entirely confident that it's going to...