Wednesday, December 17, 2014

it would be nice to just download all your facebook posts, but you can't actually do that....

rather than sit and copy and paste for a week or longer, i'm going to do a little when i wake up and a little when i go to sleep. i started this process yesterday. i figure it'll be about a month before it's done. maybe longer, though. there's a lot...

when i get that done, i'm going to want to move to a service that i can integrate more cleanly into the appspot site. i don't know what that's going to be, i'll have to play with it. tumblr. blogspot. i want something where i can control the presentation better. i'll post that when i figure it out.

so, i'll still be posting here for a while, until i figure that out. but i've set the process in motion.

a few years ago, i was arguing that rss was dead because facebook had rendered it obsolete. and, for a while, that may have been true. but, the changes facebook has made have managed to take it from being on the cusp of dominance to virtual irrelevance.

it's now a paid advertising service. they cut out posts. the end user has very little control over what appears in the feed. that's not a replacement for rss, it's a replacement for television.

if whatever replaces facebook learns the lesson, it may kill rss. but facebook has managed to shoot themselves in the foot with it. and i'm going back to the old.

if what you want is a customizable feed that gives you what you want to get, you can't get it through facebook....

rather, you get what facebook has taken payment to promote.

i'm not the first out. but as more and more people leave, it will drive more and more people out until it's a ghost town.

the future of this platform is ad servers talking to each other over a barren landscape...

in the end, it's a case study as to what not to do.

in the end, this isn't going to be empty, but i want to ensure that anybody can just scroll through and not miss posts. that's going to restrict it, basically, to record release dates and posts to essays/papers. and i *will* keep updating that here...

but it's going to look more like a c.v. than a blog. the blog is moving out...