Monday, December 8, 2014

as i'm digitizing this, i'm realizing there's a few things i thought were lost that i can drop directly into inrijected. these are cassettes from the 90s that house raw 4-track recordings of songs before they were digitally manipulated. i'm taking them in through the 4-track, channel by channel. i didn't do this before because, with few exceptions, they would have been unusable to recreate any of the inri releases with. i simply don't have the raw digital noises that i used to build the tracks up, so i couldn't recreate them as they were. further, it's not that i wanted to destroy the existing mixes as they were, i just wanted to balance them out a little...

the compromise i came to was to pencil in an "inrinterpreted" release for late 2015 or early 2016 (if i live that long). that way the initial releases could stand as they do, and i could do fresh mixes for the stuff i feel deserves it. there's just a handful of tracks that i'd like to take the vocals out of and maybe sauce up a little - some of them rather radically. as such, i'm going to consider these new constructions, and i want to wait until i get done the chronology that already exists.

but this is a good time to digitize this because i have a bunch of other inri related stuff i'd like to burn off the drive.

that being said, i would have taken a few of these off last year if i realized they were there. i thought i had everything i had digitized; i figured that what i couldn't find was lost. that's not the case. so, these two or three songs will be up in the next few days as well.