Saturday, November 22, 2014

replacing symphony 7 on youtube

this is now a discarded mix. there's a lot more information on the single page.

the track was written multiple ways in 2002, but i seem to have avoided saving a completed instrumental version. i've tried to rebuild this instrumental version several times since 2006 and have never got a good result. a large part of the reason for this stems from the mixing strategy i was using at the time i wrote and recorded it, which was to record each part in separately, process it in a wave editor and then literally paste it all together in an editing process. this mixing process is actually responsible for a lot of the blurry mixes i've been able to create over the years (i haven't abandoned it entirely; i go back to it for experimental and ambient pieces), but it doesn't allow for remixing or reconstructing tracks. once i past a part into the file, it cannot be removed or altered without starting all over again.

it's consequently necessary to save mixes at strategic points if you're going to be mixing in this way, and i failed to do that for this track when i added political samples to it in 2002. i've been trying to get the samples out since 2006. this 2009 version was the best thing i could create at the time, without abandoning the mixing strategy. it was built on an early 2002 mix; i ended up pushing the overdubs out of sync, and ruining it with a bad master. i initially didn't think i would be able to resolve this because i couldn't figure out how to get the overdubs back in sync.

however, i've spent the second half of 2014 completing my discography (i lost several months at the beginning of the year due to a bad bios flash. get a bus pirate. they're life savers.) and in the process i've found a proper 2002 mix that is in sync with the final mixes, which has allowed me to reconstruct the file properly in cubase. this best-i-can-do compromise mix is now obsolete.

the new video is available at this link:

this is the old video: