Monday, November 17, 2014

that reliable feeling of disappointment that one expects following a new smashing pumpkins release

all three of these tracks seem geared for radio play. it's not like the pumpkins weren't always a radio band, but...

i don't listen to the radio anymore and haven't in a really, really long time but i suspect that none of these songs are going to fit in well with anything remotely approaching an existing singles market. which gives them that left-field advantage. but that's low probability. hey, i hope it works out. but...

how many people are going to post the tired old "it's like everything else since insert event - it's ok, but it just doesn't grab me". well, they're right on some level but they're not able to articulate it.

the smashing pumpkins sound requires the integration of virtuoso guitar work.

that's the missing link, the je ne sais quoi, the intangible, the mystery ingredient...

sadly, it's probably the exact opposite thing that william (hey, he asked, have some respect) has heard from every label head, marketing expert, friend and pet over the last fifteen years.

this is alright. for a pop song. but it doesn't have that virtuosic angular energy.

which in the end just means i'm not in the intended audience. which is ok, too.