Saturday, November 15, 2014

ok, i've got what i think may be a final mix done, but i need to experiment with some lead parts.

the problem is that the end of the track is a little boxy, and it's restricting what's possible in terms of lead parts. if i loop something, it's going to feel cluttered. if i do some flashy lead parts, it's going to become a fusion track, and that's not really where i wanted to take the song. so, i'm probably going to leave the end section void of those lead parts.

however, i wanted to make a dub mix consisting of the overdubs i added to the track, and i'd be comfortable taking that in a more fusion direction.

so, i'm going to finish that up first, then mix the lead parts into the main track and see what it sounds like. i'm not expecting them to stick, but i'll have to hear it before i make a final decision.

so, it may be a little later than noon, but i still expect to be done by the end of the day....