Sunday, August 10, 2014

well, this is certainly unexpected. somebody has made a video for one of my songs...

i'm not sure i "get" it, but i like the images.

i received a link to this in my inbox when i got back from a boris concert early in the morning of aug 10, 2014. it's apparently put together by a camera person in australia, and the music was chosen on the recommendation of his daughter's boyfriend. so, there's not a conceptual link between the video and the music or the lyrics.

most of the time, i'm going to react badly to something like this, but the camera person was very honest in his denial of any conceptual link, so i don't have much to react against. the kind of thing that's going to piss me off is if somebody takes the music and reinterprets it to present some kind of social or cultural messaging that (1) i didn't intend and (2) i'm opposed to. there's none of that going on here, so i have nothing to be upset about.

further, there's actually some nice camera work here to check out. so, i'm going to throw it up.

but i do want to make clear that this isn't an official video for the track in any way. it's just the track set to some images.

the camera person's site is here:

the track appears on inriched: