well, it's far from perfect, but it wasn't to begin with and it does seem to have set a bit.
sounds sort of weird, but i actually want to replace it with the cheapy
stock plastic nut that they're shipped with. it's just a question of
normalizing the issue, and that's the best way to do it. if that doesn't
fix it, i may want to experiment with shaping something, but if i swap a
different nut and it continues to buzz then i can't really know if it's
still the nut or if it's the tension in the neck. that's important
because adjusting truss rods needs to be a last resort. taking it back
to the "factory defaults" will help me get a proper grasp on the issue.
not convinced this is possible to do, though. grargh. i guess if i
*can't* get the stock nut, i'll have to go back and get the one they