Saturday, August 9, 2014

that didn't work out as i was hoping it would. the value of using the midi guitar approach is the guitar dynamics, but i'm not picking much up. i'm able to get good dynamics on some plugins and none at all on others, which tells me that it has something to do with the way they're communicating.

it's not that i want the dynamics to change much, i just want a raunchy tuba sound running through. i thought smacking the strings would be good for that but i actually suspect the software may actually be limiting the kind of distortion i'm looking for. so, i'm going to play with the midi a bit and see if i can get the right sound first...

one of the problems with midi guitar tracking software has always been the way it picks up volume. it's very reasonable to think that there may be a built in limiter that's specifically designed to eliminate the sound i'm looking for, and i'd even agree that, in 99% of circumstances, it IS a feature. but it means i'm trying to break the software...

i'm sure i can get it to raunch out some other way.