Thursday, August 28, 2014

contemplating travelling into michigan to see zorch

hrmmn. gotta give this a good listen, as they're hitting detroit tomorrow. well, a suburb of detroit. i really liked their demo back when it was doing the rounds, like a lot a lot, but i haven't heard this yet. if i could walk across the street, it wouldn't be a decision, but it's a two hour bus ride through detroit and it's going to mean i won't be able to get back across the border until the morning....

i'm a little concerned it's less psych and more pop. when i'm done mixing this string section...few hours...

yeah. it's a shame they decided to sound indistinguishable from the animal collective (i'm not a fan, too sappy/kitschy). that demo was really good, though. too far from downtown...

actually, it seems to have picked up starting about ten minutes in....

i guess it's sort of expected that they'd put that townshend-goes-kraut lizard song on here.

they should have cut the first ten minutes off, it's really just giving people the wrong idea.

this is a step down from the demos (two of the four substantial tracks were already released before the record was, and i really prefer the more experimental material they discarded on their demos to the trendy pop songs they tossed on to here), but there's just so much potential that i'd feel like i'm missing something if i don't go.

and i guess the band they're touring with is worth staying for.

i've actually never been that deep into michigan, the ride has it's up sides.

and, actually, it seems like those extra tracks are included in this file.