Friday, August 1, 2014

bloody youtube is throttling me again. this graph defies reason, especially considering i know i was getting traffic because:

1) there were other tracks getting hits off the main page.
2) when i swapped the tracks, the hits started counting again.

it just stopped counting hits on this track somewhere on the evening or afternoon of the 29th, and didn't count any over the 30th.

i can make a reasonable estimate that it just flat out "forgot" to count about 100 hits.

i don't think there's some evil, conniving person at youtube getting off of deleting my hits. i think their algorithms just don't work properly. it's not a conspiracy, it's just bad programming.

and i'm not the type that cares about hit counts. i don't aspire to be a "youtube personality", whatever that even means. the exposure is more important to me than the hit count. so, this will not affect my behaviour in any way.

but i do care a bit more about maintaining that growth curve, for psychological reasons, and if they're not counting hits properly then it could break the curve. that's going to piss me off if it happens. and it's really embarrassing for the site that they can't figure out how to program their hit stats properly. they put so much effort into ensuring hits are their "currency", but then they continually fail to administer the system properly.

like any government fails to devise a proper monetary policy, i suppose.