Saturday, July 5, 2014


i'm going to ask an obscure favour, and actually throw it right out there for general request. i'm used to writing drum patterns in general midi over track ten using a staff and actual music notation. the reason i like to do it that way is that it provides absolute freedom in terms of time signatures, note lengths, etc. i mean, i may want to drum from 5 to 7 to 13 to 17 and back around to 8 in the space of a few bars, and have 64th note crashes (which may not be possible in reality, but reality isn't important when you're programming drums). vst drum machines generally just cannot provide that kind of flexibility, because they carry the interface forward. i get why they do it - it's what everybody wants - but it would be immensely useful if they'd take on track 10 compatibility so they can read a "regular" midi file, instead of forcing users to reduce themselves to their limitations and quarter note, bar-based interfaces.

that leaves me stuck more or less with using a soundcard emulator (like bandstand) for drums, which gets the job done but kind of takes me out of the drum machine universe, as well.

could you program this thing to read a standard midi file?