Wednesday, June 11, 2014

i'm pretty sure my last featured track got throttled starting last week. it ran up to 301, then was stuck there for several days as there was a difference of roughly 60 hits between the shown and the confirmed, which is something that's happening across multiple videos and only makes sense to me in the context of it being an error by youtube. basically, youtube doesn't seem to want to accept views from certain countries, under the argument that views from those countries must be bought.

it did push past 301 after the delay, but the hits went down drastically in ways that didn't really make sense. there were a few days where the ratio of total views to featured views was pushing 4:1, which defies any sort of logic because one has to click through the feature to get to the other videos. it only makes sense if the video is being throttled.

i hope that youtube is storing the information so it can fix it when it determines it's error. but, the feature over the last two weeks isn't exactly my best work, anyways. i'm not really upset about it coming in behind some of the other tracks. it's the *principle* of throttling, especially when it's racial profiling, that bothers me.

this track will go back up tomorrow at midnight and the timeframes are such that it will be there for an entire month. i should hopefully get some serious work done in that time frame. and i kind of expect this to be my first video to reach 1000 hits.