Friday, April 25, 2014

on third thought, it's noticeably slower, and the time presented is varying wildly. my previous stable image didn't do that - it calculated it properly and just ticked down. but, vista/7 does do that. to the world's annoyance. so, i'm on the other side of some updated dll that i'd rather not be on, but the slow down is only roughly 30% (only 30%, lol, but you only notice it for big transfers), so i'm not willing to go through the headache of rolling back.

if it presents something more bothersome, sure. right now, i want to get back to recording.

shit is otherwise up, tested and working. i don't know how long this is going to take, but i'm glad to get back to actually laying down some tracks. it was ridiculous that the machine imploded the day before i was going to start actually doing some fresh recording (rather than sorting through and cleaning up old stuff).

but, i'm here. let's hope the floor doesn't cave in or something.