Saturday, April 26, 2014

obligatory "influential on song of the next few days" post.

again: i'm trying to avoid linking to the old stuff, but there's really a deficit of material that draws a direct influence from the stuff i really grew up with.

i'm not making a comparison. i yell at people when they do that. but you can tell i was listening to novoselic's bass playing. the rhythm section is really the best part of the record.

(relevant tracks: mosh pit song, unintelligible, first two punk/emo/grunge/industrial/noise demos in general. also, my guitar style is heavily indebted to kurt cobain's noise-first approach to the instrument; even if that influence gets lost under more direct influences from sonic youth and billy corgan that had a bigger effect on me when i was older, it was nirvana that opened my brain to the possibilities of chaining effects pedals together and feeding them through an amp.)