Wednesday, March 5, 2014

i'm closing off my second-phase playlist as existing between my zeroth and second symphony.

phase three was a short serious music phase, whereas phase four was a psychedelic folk project that got a little out of hand. to be properly contemporary, i'd have to label it as 'freak-folk' (although i had no idea such a thing existed at the time). four should up quick but three needs some love.

actually, that's premature - there's two further tracks to add, that i'm working on right now.

headstart on the serious phase (all overlap right now):

it looks like the phases are going to be roughly 3-5 hour chunks. the number of tracks and track lengths are going to vary substantially, but that's going to remain roughly constant. there's also going to consistently be some overlap. that's a time length that allows an idea to be fully developed over a few "albums".

phase five is the trivial group phase, which ran from about '03 to about '06. after that, there's actually not much that i've completed. the proverbs project i started in '06 is only about a quarter finished.

and that's a long time, actually. eight years. yikes.

getting there...

i'm really hoping there's not another eight year black hole, but life's a funny thing.