Monday, February 17, 2014


man, i'm telling you. a hundred ad exec brains just exploded. there's no way to place this in a demographic.

i'm basically convinced at this point that youtube is swarming with "suits" that are going around ensuring that their products don't get bad advertising.

so, i'm trolling them. well the idea is to draw attention to myself in hopes that people might click through and listen to my own, but i find what i'm *actually* doing is arguing with ad execs that are trying to maintain the sanctity of their ads (which is what youtube is to a marketing douche - it's a way to upload advertisements for their records/products) while i convincingly insult their products.

of course, they need to find creative ways to defend their ads. so, they go looking through my shit looking for a way to create a caricature of me.

i'm on to you, fuckers.