Wednesday, February 19, 2014

awake, but still not fully alert.

you have to keep in mind that i'm somebody that has historically routinely gone well over 48 hours without sleep, on nothing but coffee and nicotine. nicotine is such a powerful stimulant, for me anyways. i'm well aware of the reality that if i just go buy a pack of smokes i can get some 36 hour days in. but i need to cut the reliance on it.

so i'm not used to this...

i'm hoping the flip of that is that the option for really long days will be there if i want it by just getting a pack.

drugs should be used as drugs, y'know?

producing humans that are naturally wired on caffeine - or that don't form a resistance, at least - strikes me as a worthwhile application of genetic engineering.

personally, i'd love to have that dna flipped...