Saturday, January 11, 2014

the oldest aunt's wife
just to let you have know your aunt had a heart attack thursday or early friday they put 3 stents in today all went well she is resting comfortable in ottawa heart inst.

Jessica Amber Murray
i'm sorry to hear that. i have to ask, though: i've been under the impression for quite some time that her heart's health is tenuous. i think she has multiple pacemakers? are the doctors letting on anything about her more general condition after this recent heart attack?

the oldest aunt's wife
the multiple pacemaker was not for that problem all 3 stents are in seen artery have not seen dr he came in just for her or she would have had to wait untill monday

pressure and heart rate was high and worried about more damage

Jessica Amber Murray
ok. well, i wish her luck and send her best wishes! let me know if you hear more info, please.

the oldest aunt's wife
sure well