Friday, November 8, 2013

demo #26: stupid

i was violently anti-tobacco in my teens. to an extent, i still am.

i like the music here. something i'm realizing going through these old songs is how much they shadow the creation of post-rock, which was beginning to happen right at about the same time but that i had no realization of. i was in tune with something without realizing it.

lyrically, again, i wish i had articulated myself just a bit better. i wouldn't present the health care argument at this point; i guess my thinking has evolved away from that kind of base liberalism and to something a bit more universal in scope. well, i reject the entire concept of currency at this point, so it doesn't make a lot of sense. nor do i think we'd have to make resource-based decisions if it weren't for the limits provided by currency. so, i'm retracting that statement.

i think the general theme remains valid, though. smoking tobacco is hard to describe without using the word 'stupid'.

recorded in april, 1997. remastered on nov 8, 2013.