Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jessica Amber Murray
just caught your status updates. i think i get the basic drift. not much i can do from here, but if you want to chat...

Shelly Teagan
ugh im not supposed to be here

Jessica Amber Murray
who defines supposed to? best i can tell, you're here. there. somewhere, anyways. that's supposed to enough for me.

Shelly Teagan
well i shouldnt be in ottawa

things keep getting worse

Jessica Amber Murray
you need to just tell those people to fuck off. have you started the therapy yet?

what happened, though? well, if you want to talk about it.

Shelly Teagan
i really dont want to talk about it ever lol

Jessica Amber Murray
alright. if you ever get to windsor, we should start a band and call it the "train wrecks" or something. make it disturbing and noisy, if you get the idea. i should hop offline and go home, but i'm still here to "listen" if you want me to.

Shelly Teagan
thanks :D