Monday, August 12, 2013

I guess you have your internet now??

Jessica Amber Murray
no, i'm at the tim horton's across from the uhaul. i need to do some research on fridges.

Oh yes...Won't disability help you with that? They used to anyways.

That and dryers, washers and stoves if one needed them.

Jessica Amber Murray
no. well, i'll ask after. i doubt it.

there's a washer/dryer. it's sort of weird. the dryer is free, but the washer is $4. which would be alright, if it wasn't so small. i'll probably use a laundromat. there's a stove i can move in. it's old, but i only use it to fry eggs and make spaghetti. worst case, i'll just get one of those portable elements. probably more useful to me in the long run (i could use it for camping or whatever if/when i move). likewise, i'm thinking i'll probably get a mini-fridge, if they're cheaper. i don't need a big or fancy fridge. when i had a big fridge before, it was mostly empty most of the time..