Friday, August 30, 2013

elevating do make say think’s other truths to benchmark status

yeah. the other truths bump was always expected - it was clear from the first listen three years ago, but i wanted to give it some time. so, i pegged it at a strong 4.5. 4.75, really. but, that was always, always meant to be temporary, until time allowed me to justify the bump.

that's disc number three from dmst in my benchmark records list, btw.

all their records carve their own niche; this one takes their typical horn/drum/bass/guitar sound and inverts it into a more traditional noise-punk aesthetic. that's not to say it's going to break your ears. but, where this thing excels is really in it's pure guitar-driven noise rock. i always found the post-rock thing a little ironic, considering it was the best rock music out there at the time (this hasn't been true in many years, but it was then, before the form became homogenized and all the creative drivers went their separate ways). this thing just drives. but, better is that there isn't any fluff, it's just four epic space shuttle launches. it had been a while since dmst had released a disc without any fluff....