Tuesday, July 30, 2013

re: money

From: sister’s email address
To: Jessica Murray <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>

Yes, I would like the coat please. Given that I am pregnant with a boy, it would be nice to have.

the stepmother has no idea what couch vouchers you are referring to. Maybe email her directly about that.

As for a fridge and stove, buy a used set when you get there, it will be much cheaper and easier. We got our in Petawawa for $150 for the set, and they have never failed.

Moving your stuff would most likely fit in a cargo/panel van, because you have no furniture to move. You'd just have to pack it well

That does not include the 1600km to get the van there and back at 0.49 per kilometre, plus gas. You also require someone over 25 with a full G class license, and most likely a valid credit card for the loss damage waiver. Altogether this will be at least $1100 and that requires you to move your own stuff. There is the option of leaving the van in Windsor and thereby saving the return 800km, but they charge exhorbotent fees for that, and many van rental outlets won't even do it because they are franchised and the trucks belong to them.

All the funeral arrangements have been taken care of. No need to worry about that.