Saturday, July 27, 2013

So...Do you think that you will be actually living in Windsor? Can I come and visit you!? I would love to live there! So much warmer!...

I lived there for about 4 months way back when the distant, unknown aunt and the correspondingly distant and unknown uncle lived in a trailor there. I lived with them and worked as a waitress. I loved it!

It was more like 8 months actually.

Jessica Amber Murray
it appears that way, but i'm not entirely sure yet. i'm going to spend a few days exploring the area on my way home. i think i will end up somewhere in southern ontario though. i'll let you know what's going on when i know more.

K...Good Luck! Love You. ^_^

Jessica Amber Murray
here's an email address i check regularly in case you go off facebook again: