it seems like the guy upstairs has moved to the third floor. which
has some short-term benefits. i think i'm now free to make smoothies
between 11:00 PM and 8:00 AM. not that i wasn't before, but it's common
courtesy to keep that kind of noise down. generally speaking, the larger
noise buffer is sort of relieving.
nobody has said anything
to me about noise, and i don't think that was the cause for the move.
rather, i think the recent cold snap produced an evacuation.
i saw it coming and prepared by cranking the heat a few days in
advance. when the wind was blowing around out there near -50, the
thermostat in my room was a hair under 24 degrees celsius; it was
admittedly not able to hold itself there, and the temperature on the
thermostat doesn't actually reflect the temperature in the room (which
was more like 18 or 19) but the apartment was comfortable.
realize, though, that it could have been very uncomfortable down here if
i just let it sit at 20, oblivious to what was happening outside. i
suspect that's why the guy upstairs retreated to safer ground.
which would be fine.
that the heat seems to now be off, altogether, upstairs. i'm a little
worried, but at the same time the mild breeze is actually sort of
refreshing. in addition to that meaning i'm going to have to boost my
heat a bit, which is a mild adjustment if an adjustment ever was mild,
i'm not entirely sure the plan was thought out; part of the reason it's
hottest upstairs is that it's being heated by the two levels below it!
the end result is we both end up turning the heat up higher and neither
is as warm as we were before. i can live through that, but i'm
wondering just how bad an idea it is to let the wood floors freeze...
i think it'll be fine. my guess is that the heat comes back on up there in a
day or two when the temperature falls. if not, i'll have to explain the
situation, and i'm sure it'll get turned back on. really, i'm just
becoming more and more intrigued by my landlord's family....