Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shelly Teagan



Jessica Amber Murray
haha. i was totally going to send you something this morning asking how you were. my schedule is really erratic, it jumps forwards a few hours a day, but i'm currently checking emails in the early morning. internet access on the 25th. i haven't even been interested in drinking. since i got here, i've had a total of that one beer you gave me before i left. i'd like to maybe get some pot soon, though. i'm just going through the final stages of scripting my pc, and then much recording will commence. and smoking? i've been going about a week between packs, and getting the odd single cigar. it's going to get coffee/internet that is triggering me; once i get internet, i should have that permanently conquered, i think. i've been reading more, which i'm liking. it's nice to have that sober alone time back. so, on the one hand i guess i got sort of boring. on the other hand, i think i'm happier now than i've been in a long while. how are things there?

also, mackaye just updated his profile pic and he looks like hitler. ahahahaha...

Shelly Teagan
omg lol about mackaye

have you been hanging out with those guys


my theory class is at 830 in the morning

we're doing like figured bass and shit and its the boringest evaaa

Jessica Amber Murray
they came over to help me with my fridge, but besides that, no. which reminds me: i owe them some beer. forgot.... i'll hit a protest or something in time. right now, i haven't really been paying attention. you should pay close attention in class, though. as a working musician, knowing figured bass will come in handy if you ever want to get a gig at one of those medieval times houses. </sarcasm>. actually, you know what might be fun? crashing one of those places and giving the "minstrel" shit for playing out of a songbook in equal temperament.... but, i guess you need to learn it to teach it. it's really just a racket, isn't it? there's a lot of similar nonsense in a math anybody *actually* cares about projective plane geometry.....