Thursday, September 5, 2013

you know how you're always talking about the 27 club?

well most of those people had BPD.

and so do I

12 percent of BPD people die. and 60 percent of people who commit suicide have BPD.

or something big like that. (might not be 60)

maybe like 40.

Jessica Amber Murray
i only talk about it because you brought it up to me, and usually just to coerce you into not killing yourself for a few more years :P are you shelley teagan?

lol no

thats some dude i'm banging

he looks a lot like joe hill

thats why i like him

Jessica Amber Murray
why did he send me a friend request, lol?


Jessica Amber Murray
i'm really elitist about accepting friend requests. i'm pretty sure it's you....


yeah right

except bohr believes its this dude from windsor

who is currently hanging out outside of his apartment.

k dont tell him yet though

Jessica Amber Murray
lol. ok.

except now i think he's confused.

i need to figure out what my persona will be. I must develop this carefully.

Jessica Amber Murray
what? i'm in windsor. easy to bs that.

well, you've mused about having a dude side.

listen, i just jumped on for a sec, i've gotta go home and sleep 'cause i'm falling over and have a long list of stuff for tomorrow. i should be online for a few hours tomorrow late morn/early aft, though. so good luck with that...

you totally just blew your cover, though. i'd delete that quick.

lol. firstly, what do you mean

its for trolling. Also, I want to delete this facebook.

that is all. I dont want rape apologists and fuck-heads all up in my facebook